LP Soccer
Class of 1989
Carl Pomranka Years

Lewis-Palmer Women's Soccer
Spring of 1989 Team
District Champion
1989 team
Back (From Left): 1st-Shannon Emry, 2nd-Julie Krause, 3rd-Deanne Murray, 4th-Tara Pack,
6th-Amy Phipps, 8th-Torri Willey, 9th-Coach Carl Pomranka
Front (From Left): 3rd-Linda Fusco, 7th-Laurie Cochran, 8th-Carolyn Burch

  Julie Hall (Krause)
Julie Hall (Krause) - BR 1st Above - Colorado

Shannon Hoime (Emry) - BR 2nd Above - South Dakota

Deanne Murray Chapman
Deanne Murray Chapman - BR 3rd Above - Colorado
Horse Trainer

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