LP Soccer
LP Soccer
The Reid Wiecks Era

Lewis-Palmer Women's Soccer
Spring of 1992 Team
District Champion & State Quarterfinalist
1992 Team
Back (From Left): Asst. Coach Vic Garcia, Leah Jones(MGR), 6th-Trisha Serveiss, 8th-Shannon O'Connor,
9th-Susie McVoy, 11th-Karen James, 12th Sean Hammel(MGR), Coach Reid Wiecks
Front: (From Left): 3rd-Kelli Koop, 5th-Kayci Emry, 7th-Dawn Donovan

  Kayci Emry
Kayci Emry - FR 5th Above (23) - Oregon
School Counselor

Susie McVoy Eilers
Susie McVoy Eilers- 9th-BR Above (10) - Colorado
Mother and School Volunteer

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